Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Haru Kurogane

Dynamis • Halicarnassus

Bar Owner •
Bartender •
Barista •
Bard •
Waiter •

• Roleplay Information •

Full Name
Place of Birth

Haruka Kurogane
Viera • Veena
Eternally Bonded

• Background •

"The Curious Life of a Non-traditional Veena."

Born Haruka Kawakami, Haru has lived a decently privileged life thus far. He was born at his Father's home in the Shirogane wards. The ward itself lost to history. His father owns a very successful Jewelry shop in the heart of Kugane with not much known about his mother as she fled the house as soon as Makoto was born only a year after Haru's birth. Father Kawakami kept his history a mystery to his kits. Choosing never to speak of it and instead relishing in the present despite the absence of his mate. Because of this, Haru's knowledge for what life would have been like in the forests and mountains was scarce and practically nonexistent growing up. As he got older, he researched and dug around for information on the deeper ends of it. He was surprised that there was so little he could find, as if it were taboo to learn more about it. Each time he would inquire with his father, he would get a scolding. This wasn't information for him to know. It only fueled the curiosity in him more. How could he be a viera amongst the many wandering about to know next to nothing about his heritage and people? There must have been something about Haru's naivety as a kit that made it difficult for his father to get too deep into it. "In due time, he'll discover the true nature of what life was really like for most of the Vieran folk wandering about."For as long as he's known, his father would be the one parental figure to help him in any way. Learning to use the bow and arrow from him first before being sent to the Archery guild to learn more of the basics. When the topic of his mother comes about, Father would instead veer the conversation elsewhere. He'd simply refuse to answer any questions about her. They were too painful to recall, and he would rather the kits continue living on without the thought of her in their minds. It would prove to be more difficult in the long run. He'd later come to find that there had always been whispers of his mother. Whispers of promiscuity and affairs. Rumors circulated that she was last seen boarding a boat with a group of men or that she married a rich Highlander with his own private island. He knows not the truth, but only tales spoken by the drunk and envious. Mother had confidence and beauty, most of which was carried over to her kits as they would inherit her looks, Mako particularly taking her body shape. Haru inheriting her hair color. It was only recently that Haru had decided he wanted to look more like his father, and dyed his hair black. This act would be taken negatively by his father. It didn't matter to him that he did it out of love and respect for him. He loved his son the way he was and especially since his hair was, in its purest form, the shade of the woman he once adored in his life. Another good reason, Haru had chosen to dye it black. (Additionally, his eye color has also been adjusted to look just like his father's. Nothing on Haru is original at this point other than his personality. Pictures show the transformation of what he used to look and the Haru you see today.)---Having wanting to be independent, Haru branched out on his own taking notice of the abundance of nightlife happening afterhours. When the rest of Eorzea was fast asleep there was booming life in the underground scene. He attended a variety of night clubs, bars, lounges and cafes. Met an assortment of people many of whom would become business contacts for future projects. Those that look to Haru as someone they could count on and vice versa. As he continues his journey of life, he will encounter many good times and bad times. He has aspirations to be a part of that nightlife by bringing something to the heavily plated table that may be something of a safe haven and home for friends and strangers. Recently, he opened up a small bar in Shirogane. Planting a seed in the hopes that it would grow into something spectacular. Pouring all his love and time into making sure it looks appealing with a warm atmosphere for people to stop by and enjoy their time. He won't stop there, as he hopes the funds he earns from working at establishments around Eorzea and running his own bar would bring forth the pay for potential employees in his future. ( BB Lounge Carrd )---Haru has never revealed his full name to anyone before. He's only ever introduced himself as "Haru Shirogane" with only his Father calling him "Haruka". Not even his sister calls him that, as she's just been so used to the Haru. It could potentially have traced to when they were kits and Makoto called him "Haru" for short and he in turn called her "Mako". So you could say they both gave each other their nicknames. He does feel as though his longer name sounds too feminine, but he's far too comfortable with it to change it now.After the argument with his father, he's set himself on removing himself from the family. Knowing his father has too harsh of opinions and not agreeing to many of them, he decided enough was enough and changed his last name. An act of rebellion, far from the young man Kenzen knew and raised. Haru was through with his father's overbearing and demanding nature. The pressure to carry on with a tradition Kenzen was attempting to create and a hobby that he had no real interest or desire to continue was enough to push him over to begin his own. This was when he remembered something he'd read in a book once. Viera tend to change their names when leaving home, and he decided to do just that. While the circumstances were different, he felt it was a declaration of freedom, and so he would change his last name to Shirogane. An ode to the district he was born into and one where he would begin to build his business foundations on.

Last Starlight (Lore event)

During Starlight of the year 23, Haru returned home to meet with his family for a Starlight Family Banquet. It ended poorly, a poor attempt by Kenzen to introduce him to ladies of his choosing. Desperately wanting to continue his lineage, he carefully chose ladies and gentlemen for both Haru and Mako to choose from, despite Haru's commitment to Liokki. Haru was drugged and nearly woke up to someone in his bed, but was saved by two other vieras from the same group. They were all lured in with gil and the promise of a life of lavish luxuries should one of them chose them. A devious plan from the start, and when the beans were spilled, Haru didn't hesitate to confront his father. Kenzen was astounded beyond belief that his own son would chose to marry someone he disapproved of. This caused an altercation that resulted in him throwing things at Haru. A few of which hit Haru and bruised him up fairly well. Kenzen would banish him and abandon him for his decision. This was the final straw and Haru would ultimately return accepting this decision. Aggravated that he would not hear him out, Haru returned to his home to find a worried, but happy Liokki waiting for him. The results of the event not favorable to them, but it would not keep Haru away from his desires of a brighter future with his beloved.

• Relationships •

"What Webs We Weave"

Liokki Kurogane

"Top-notch Bartender"

Haru's Husband.Liokki, or Lio for short, is Haru's better half. It might have been Lio's personality that enchanted him. Perhaps even shallow enough to say his appearance, but there was one thing he absolutely knew. He was positively enchanted by the Rava, ravaged with thoughts of wonder that plagued him. Does he like me the same? He gave in to his emotions and a sweet relationship began to blossom. The two would become business partners as well working in each other's establishments and helping friends as they open theirs. Lio's a friendly, charismatic and open Viera that will be there when he's needed, and even when he's not! To lend a helping hand when times are rough. To offer company and lend an ear. He founded his own cocktail lounge in the mossy, green forests of Lavender Beds. With many conversations to be had and plenty of individuals both new and old to enter and stay a while. His bartending skills are what set him apart from anyone else as they contain a flair and entertainment for the guest to admire whilst patiently waiting for it to be presented to them. Something of a skill that Haru had no idea until he walked behind the counter to work for him at BB Lounge. You could find him with his establishment on Wednesday Nights at 8pm EST. (Tipsy Whispers Carrd)

Kenzen Kawakami

"Father Kawakami"

Haru's Father.Kenzen is the strict, stoic and cold father of Haru who raised him all on his own alongside the youngest, Mako. He hails from the Skatay Range mountains and has a wood-warder history. Running off from his life in the mountains to pursue a different path in life after an act that he can not forgive himself to this very day. He struggled to make a living until he realized his calling in Goldsmithing. He opened up a jewelry shop where he sold jewelry made with precious gems and crystals that he found and fixed up himself. A very resourceful viera that has saved every gil handed to him making him a wealthy veena. His gil was better spent on his son and daughter as they grew up. He lives in his Shirogane Mansion with his daughter Makoto.Additional Nuggets:
Since the events leading up to his departure from the mountains, Kenzen has been psychologically unwell. He loved too deeply and held on too firmly, only for it to escape his grasp. His concept of love is not what he thinks it is, and he sought to find the one that would help him find the true meaning behind it.
(This is not to say, he can not be forgiven for his acts and for the way he chooses to force his own visions into his own offspring to follow the right way that he believes should be the way. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong.)

Makoto Tachibana

"Dearest Sibling"

Haru's Little Sister.Makoto, or Mako for short, is Haru's sister by only a year. She was married off to local Hyur man of her father's choosing, taking his last name. Tachibana was a man who was a good friend of Kenzen. A business partner who was responsible for a branch of the Doman military force. Kenzen's decision to give her away to him was done for his piece of mind. He'd worried that having no permit to sell his wears in Kugane would hinder his future. He'd convince Mako that her marriage to the Doman man would greatly benefit their long withstanding with their citizenship in Kugane. She was blessed with her mother's beauty and her father's colors. Making her the apple of her father's eye. Despite Haru's distance, she tries her best to visit him and be around as much as she can to be the sister he always wanted.

• OOC •

"This is the real me."

- Behind the Viera lies a different individual. A plethora of ideas that swim around in their mind. Haru is one of the many muses that they run.- Behind the character, I am a 30+ individual with a whole ass salary job. So If you'd wish to start an RP with me, it'd be best to communicate with me first. I'm a busy individual and I've got a lot going on with my RP partner. Though I am a fan of the one liners and brief conversations kind of rps. They're quick but effective! Especially in the bar scenes that I frequent.- I adore my characters with every fiber of my being, and even though I enjoy a little drama and tragedy, I won't ever kill them off.- Some of my characters are in relationships and/or are potentially promised to someone else. That being said, none of them practice polyamory. They won't seek any additional relations with others in the suggestive nature. If they seek friendships, Haru and any other character, will be happy to befriend them!- Last but not least, this is an entire character, and I'm not looking to flirt ooc with anyone. I'm happily taken and I won't change my mind. (lmao)Thanks for your time!